Make an impact year round

By making a monthly commitment your support will add up to a big impact, helping us ensure sustainability by providing ongoing support to our projects around the world

together, we can change student lives, one month at a time!

It's Affordable

You can contribute to transformative change with a customizable monthly payment. Donations are processed on the 28th of each month.

It's Flexible

Modify your gift at any time, by getting in direct contact with financial secretary.

It's Effective

Your monthly donation gives us the ability to plan ahead and invest in long-term solutions to meet the specific needs of students. Your donation will provide support where the need is greatest.

Donor Spotlight

A Gift that keeps on Giving

Donating to D.C Edward chapter is fulfilling. It has also shown them that the greatest gift you can receive is knowing you have made a positive difference in someone else’s life. We’re proud to be part of this program. We know that we’re helping impact lives in Saint Edwards
Financial Planner
We donate monthly because it’s easy to do, easier to plan for in our budget. We also know it can have a real impact long-term, because our donations can be counted on. By being part of this Alumni, we’ve been able to teach our children the value of charity and that they can make as much of a difference as any adult can
Sport Analyst
We chose to be monthly donors because we like being able to open up opportunities for others. It feels good to know you’re making a difference in the world.
Business Owner

Help Support these talented boys

Your monthly donations will change lives

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